Over 400,000 people in the United States suffer from Multiple Sclerosis, often known as MS, an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. MS symptoms include pain, muscle spasms, muscle weakness, problems with swallowing, problems with vision, general fatigue, tingling in the muscles , numbness in the muscles. This malady occurs when the patient’s immune system attacks the areas of the brain related to muscular control and function damaging and inflaming these pathways.
Acupuncture for Multiple Sclerosis
If you are looking for ways to help you manage or lessen your MS symptoms, consider acupuncture as part of your overall treatment plan. Acupuncture treatments activate the central nervous system which releases neurochemical messengers. This creates changes in body chemistry and homeostasis resulting in a feeling of wellbeing both emotionally and physically.
Research in the past 7 years has shown that acupuncture treatments may specifically help relieve MS symptoms by:
Seven Benefits of Acupuncture for MS
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Pain – It has been determined that acupuncture helps decrease the amount of pain in the joints, neck, head, and back.
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Tingling and Numbness – Acupuncture helps support and encourages blood flow and Qi (your natural source of energy) in the body, as a result can diminish the feeling of numbness and tingling.
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Tiredness – Acupuncture can help increase your energy. Even after a single session, people can feel more energized. This boost can last for days. Acupuncture can also benefit in your ability of being able to sleep better.
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Depression – Chinese Medicine believes that each acupuncture session establishes and boosts physical and emotional healing. The Chinese believe that acupuncture helps to dispense endorphin’s throughout the body to make you naturally feel great.
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Memory Loss – Acupuncture helps to produce and boost the surge of healthy energy to your brain and increases your Qi, so you can remember and think clearer.
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Stress – Acupuncture aids in the control of how the body reacts to stress.
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Muscle Spasms – Acupuncture can help the body and mind become relaxed, resulting in less muscle spasms.
Dr. Binder will be happy to speak to you and answer any question you may have about acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, and how it can help Multiple Sclerosis.